The Growing Pandemic Of Obesity


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The Growing Pandemic Of Obesity

Obesity has spread to every state and affects more than 75 million people in the United States. More than 4 out of 10 Americans now satisfy the medical definition of obesity, putting them at risk for serious health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer. The stakes were higher after the pandemic. Excess weight was attributed to nearly one-third of severe COVID-19 cases in the first year.

There was a recent evaluation of how America’s weight has evolved in recent years, including breakthroughs in treatment and the scientific understanding of obesity. We interviewed over 50 specialists – including nutritionists, endocrinologists, psychologists, exercise physiologists, and neuroscientists – and those incredibly knowledgeable about the problems associated with being overweight, and these are some of the takeaways.

Weight Loss Solutions Are Not Simple

They shatter our nation’s idealized image of itself, but they get to the heart of America: race relations, stigma, personal responsibility, economic stability, and corporate power.

1: Obesity was seen as a character flaw. According to science, this is not the case.

Many people are ashamed and guilty when they can’t reduce their weight. Human biological evolution has helped us keep extra calories by making it difficult to lose weight on one’s own. It may be tough to get assistance and see success in weight loss, but it is possible.

2: Excess weight is dangerous in the long run. Fat shaming is unpleasant now.

Even though rates of overweight and obesity are on the rise, the shame of being overweight persists in almost every area of society. Some people are fighting back, but it isn’t simple to combat decades of prejudice and false solutions that have increased over the previous few years.

3: What we consume has an impact. Researchers are looking for the ‘correct’ diet.

The struggle to lose weight is more difficult due to biology. Our eating environment makes it relatively simple to gain weight. What should you eat if you’re looking for a way to reduce weight or prevent extra pounds? Scientists are still trying to figure it out, but we do have a better understanding of foods that comprise a healthy diet that can help facilitate weight loss.

4: People don’t choose to be overweight. They live in a “system that they do not control.”

Obesity is often seen as a personal failing, but there are many factors beyond an individual’s control that contribute to weight gain, such as hormone imbalance, insulin resistance, stress response, fast food, desserts, and the expense of nutritious food.

5: Newer medications and surgery can help you shed weight. It has some drawbacks.

Surgery was the only way to lose a substantial amount of weight previously. New medications are on the market, promising to modify that situation by offering the ability to shed 15% to more than 20% of extra pounds with fewer invasive procedures. The difficulty will be in making these medications available to those who need them due to cost and limited access due to increased demand.

6: What will the obesity epidemic look like in 50 years?

Experts agree that it will ultimately be up to parents to implement any solution. Children learn habits for the rest of their lives, so there’s a lot on the line in instilling healthy eating, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep in early childhood.

Weight Management Tips and Tricks From Enhanced Aesthetics & Wellness

Download My Fitness Pal to track calories/protein/carbs/fats.  Pay attention to what you are eating. How much fat, sugar, carbs, and protein is in the foods that you are choosing?  Are you eating empty calories, or are you nourishing your body? 

If you are trying to lose weight – enter your goal weight and hit that calorie goal for two weeks. Then, if you do not see a loss in weight, you might need to adjust other areas, such as an increase in protein, fiber, water, or exercise.

If you feel that you continue to struggle despite following a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and increased water intake, let us help you.  Call Enhanced Aesthetics & Wellness today to discuss weight management options that are available. 


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